Online Adspends 2013

Types of Internet advertising used

Internet display advertising: Banners, buttons, skyscrapers, overlays, interstitials, pop ups displayed on a website.

Paid search advertising: Advertising appearing on specific word requests on search engines.

Content networks: Contextual advertising appearing on websites according to the content displayed to the user that is selected and served by automated systems.

PPC: This kind of advertising usually has a performance model for the payment of advertising, in which payment is made per click or actually delivered traffic, not for the number of impressions or the time interval as is the case, for example, with banner advertising or preference entries in directories. In paid for search, PPC advertising usually appears in browsers on the right, next to the search results, or also in premium positions. On content websites or networks, PPC advertising is displayed on the right or under the article.

Video advertising: Includes In-stream video spots (pre-rolls, mid-rolls and post-rolls) appearing before, during or after a video content in the player or an overlay ad or video banners.

Mobile advertising: Any display advertising viewed or read on a mobile phone or a tablet including rich media advertising (mobile display advertising) or advertising appearing on specific word requests on search engines, viewed on a mobile device (mobile search advertising).

RTB (real-time-bidding) is a type of business model for selling banner advertising targeted to desired audience. In RTB, advertising is sold according to the number of impressions, where each impression is delivered in real time by automatic systems as is appropriate for the required target group. In the RTB model, geographical, linguistic or behavioral targeting of advertising is often used, on the basis of previous activity and the interests of the user.

Online classifieds: A fee is paid by an advertiser to display an ad or listing around a specific vertical such as automotive, recruiting and real estate, regardless of the outcome of the ad (i.e. the fee is paid even if there is no ‘sale’).

Directories: Online version of printed yellow pages (business listing paid for by advertiser).

PR articles: Advertising articles placed among content articles on the media.

Description of the Methodology

While surveying and processing the results, in the interest of objectivity and the protection of sensitive data, the Ppm Factum agency was commissioned. The survey was conducted during January and February 2014, so that it was based on current closings of individual subjects. The performance of all types of advertising was based on declared performance of individual providers of content, agencies, and operators of advertising networks and mobile operators.

From the addressed 55 important internet operators, 30 became actively involved, whose media impacts vast majority of Czech Internet users. All 3 addressed mobile operators provided funds for SMS and MMS advertising messages. To get the performance of individual advertising networks, three operators were addressed and a total of 40 agencies (media, specialized SEM, web-development). Actively involved were 2 operators of an advertising network (Sklik of and eTarget) and 19 agencies. What is important is that the companies with a dominant share of the turnover in the market mostly provided their data actively during the survey. To calculate the total advertised amount in advertising networks, the claimed performance of the Sklik advertising network is used, along with the weighted average of the percentage distribution of spending by agencies into advertising networks, where the weight is the absolute spending of the given agency.

In order to arrive at one aggregate number for all forms of internet advertising for the purpose of comparison with other media types, we had to add up the real prices of advertising performance in paid search and advertising networks with the ratecard prices of all forms of internet advertising The reason is that the performance advertising does not have any ratecard prices. Raising real prices with performance advertising by a hypothetical margin and so improve the overall Internet budget would not be correct. With other media types, estimates of real prices are not available. In the overall performance of the Internet were not included SMS and MMS campaigns, which cannot be considered as a type of Internet advertising.

The comparison of performance of media types is based on the monitoring of media investment carried out by Admosphere (or, since 2010, by Kantar Media). In 2013, the performance of radio advertising significantly increased compared to previous years (from CZK 1 billion to CZK 5.8 billion), which is due to a change in the methodology of the Admosphere media monitoring company. Namely, monitoring of the performance of radio advertising was expanded last year to include data from regional radio campaigns.

Description of forms of the internet display advertising is to be found here.

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