Online Adspends 2014

Internet Advertising exceeded CZK 14.6 Billion Last Year

Internet advertising reached CZK 14.6 billion in the last year, which, compared to 2013 represents a 10 per cent growth caused primarily by increased advertising expenditures in the field of search advertising, display banner advertisements and video advertising. Expectations for the coming year are also optimistic. Survey participants assume that online advertising will continue to grow by further 13 per cent up to CZK 16.5 billion. Out of the total advertising expenditures, online advertising accounts for a 20 per cent share of the advertising budgets in the Czech Republic. The data come from the annual survey of Internet advertising performance conducted for SPIR by the Ppm Factum Research agency.

Dev element of total expenditures in internet advertising in the period of 2008-2014 and 2015*(in billion CZK)

In 2014 advertisers used online advertising in the volume of CZK 14.6 billion, i.e. by CZK 1.3 billion more than in the previous year. The growing trend of using internet forms of advertising is thus being confirmed. * estimation, excluding SMS, MMS

The Development of Total Expenditures in Internet Advertising Source: SPIR, ppm factum, February 2015

Share of individual forms of online advertising in 2014

The largest part of advertising expenditures (CZK 7.1 billion) is attributable to display advertising. If compared to the last year’s volume of CZK 6.8 billion, we see a slight growth that was probably caused by the increasing popularity of non-standard advertising forms. Advertising in search networks (Google, AdWords, Sklik) continuously increases expenditures and in the last year it reached the expected volume of CZK 3.4 billion. The volume of advertising sold in content networks is CZK 1.6 billion in real prices. Over one billion of Czech crowns (CZK 1.3 billion) is attributable to classified and directories advertisements. * net prices, other in ratecard prices

Share of individual forms of online advertising Source: SPIR, ppm factum, February 2015

Performance of individual forms of internet and mobile advertising in the period of 2010-2014 and 2015*

Advertisers continuously spend more money on video and mobile advertising. In the past four years (since 2011) the performance of video advertising increased three times and mobile advertising four times, up to CZK 910 million and 153 million, respectively. PR articles expenditures represented CZK 150 mil. of the advertising budgets. The mobile advertising volume is coming from the participating media and shows the volume of advertisements placed on websites and accessed from mobile phones and applications. Mobile advertising in search and content networks is included in the respective categories “Search” and “Content Networks”. RTB model advertising recorded the highest growth. The last year’s CZK 90 mil. in real prices is based on estimates of media, i.e. the advertising space offer. Moreover, SMS and MMS messages in operator networks reached the amount of CZK 108 million in the last year. * estimation
** net prices, other in ratecard prices

Performance of Individual Forms of Internet and Mobile Advertising Source: SPIR, ppm factum, February 2015

Year-to-year growth of individual forms of internet and mobile advertising in 2014 and 2015*

Out of all the monitored forms of advertising the highest growth of volume (almost double) was recorded by the RTB model of advertising. Positive development trends are shown also in mobile forms of advertising (49 per cent growth) and video advertising (32 per cent growth). * estimation
  positive values % ​​indicate growth

Year-to-Year Growth of Individual Forms of Internet and Mobile Advertising Source: SPIR, ppm factum, February 2015

Share of individual mediatypes in 2014*

For the purpose of comparing the volume of advertising in individual mediatypes, data derived from the Admosphere monitoring of advertising expenditures were used. Following a slight decrease in 2013, TV advertising started to grow again and with CZK 31.2 billion maintains its dominant position in the advertising market (42 per cent). Press advertising reached CZK 17.5 billion and has a 24 per cent share in advertisement budgets. Online advertising has a 20 per cent share (CZK 14.6 billion). Radio advertising reached the level of CZK 6.1 billion (8 per cent) and OOH advertising CZK 4.5 billion (6 per cent). * prices excl. self-promotion campaigns

Individual Mediatype Share Source: SPIR, ppm factum, Admosphere, February 2015

Share development by individual mediatypes (absolute figures)

Taking into account the time-based comparison, the trend of several past years shows a rapid growth of advertising expenditures in the online advertising, a slow increase of TV, radio and OOH advertising and a slight decrease of press advertising, which has, as shown by the data for the past two years, become more stable. * prices excl. self-promotion campaigns
  Radio adspend does not include regional advertising between 2010 - 2013

Share Development by Individual Mediatypes Source: SPIR, ppm factum, Admosphere, Kantar Media, February 2015

While surveying and processing the results, in the interest of objectivity and the protection of sensitive data, the Ppm Factum agency was commissioned. The survey was conducted during January and February 2015, so that it was based on current closings of individual subjects. The performance of all types of advertising was based on declared performance of individual providers of content, agencies, and operators of advertising networks and mobile operators.

For more information about the terminology used and a description of the methodology.

Press Release - Online Adspends 2014
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